

Welcome! We’d love to get to know you and show you what’s happening in our thriving church community.

Our Mission

Portishead Church of England seeks to be a welcoming, inclusive, outward-looking church. We are here to serve the whole town of Portishead. Our vision is to Grow and Go in God's Love. 

With God's love as the beating heart of all we do, we recognise that there are three vital relationships at the heart of our life; who we are with God, with one another and with others. 

If we are to grow into the people that God has made us to be, we need to nurture each of these relationships. Through this we will be better equipped to Go and serve God in every area of our lives.

What do we Believe?

As Christians we are followers of Jesus. 

We believe that God loves us and that in Jesus he acted to uniquely reveal himself to us, to restore human beings’ broken relationship with him and to give us the best example of how to live life well there has ever been. 

We believe that God welcomes everybody into his family and so we try to make everybody welcome too and to encourage them to find their place within the family. We recognise that we all have questions and so we try not to pretend that faith is easy, but we do think that having space to share questions is important and we try to create a place where we can all be honest. 

We believe that God changes us by the Holy Spirit and that faith in Jesus overflows into transformed lives so we seek to live in a way that pleases God and shows his love to all people and the whole of his creation.

If you would like an opportunity to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus then please go to the Growing in Faith Section. Alternatively, please contact one of the clergy team. Any of us would love to talk to you further.

We believe in a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.

We will challenge the church where it discriminates against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, age, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.

We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

Meet the Team

Our clergy, Rob, Tonya, Mark and Lindsay, our church wardens, Paul and Kathryn, and our Office team are always glad to hear from you.

Click here for contact details.

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Our Churches

We have two churches:-

St Peter’s our parish church that dates back to the 1300s lies between Church Road North and Church Road South near the High Street, postcode BS20 6PS.

And St Nicholas’ Church, the former chapel of the Nautical School built in the early 1900s is on the Nore Road near the coast, postcode BS20 8EN.

At St Peter’s Church there is level access to the church via the Main South Door. At St Nicholas’ there is ramped access via the North side door.

At St Peter’s the church has no car park; those with ambulant disabilities are advised to park in Church Road South. At St Nicholas’ Church there is designated parking, nearest the ramped North entrance. Both churches have wheelchair accessible toilets. An induction loop is fitted at both churches.

Our Lay Readers

We are blessed with a great team of Lay Readers (Licensed Lay Ministers). Simon, Mary and Graham assist in the parish and often lead worship.


Our churches of St Peter’s and St Nicholas’ are in good heart.  Many people already contribute towards the on-going life of the Church and its work supporting the local community in Portishead. We are very grateful for this generous support.

Money can be a difficult subject, and we never want anyone to feel under pressure. But we invite you to consider how you can contribute towards the work of the Church in our parish.

Giving is an important part of discipleship, and enables us to be actively involved in supporting the local community, helping us all to grow and go in God’s love.

How can I support the work of Portishead parish?

Set up a Standing Order
This is a convenient option for those who want their giving to be regular and consistent. It also reduces admin costs and helps with budgeting. You can set this up yourself via online banking or by completing a
Standing Order mandate and posting it to your bank or to the Church Office, St Barnabas Centre, West Hill, Portishead, BS20 6LN.

The Church's bank details are:

Name on account: Portishead PCC

Sort code 54 30 06

Account number 03063410

Cheques and cash
Gifts can be placed in the Collection at most of our Sunday Services or posted to the Church Office, St Barnabas Centre, West Hill, Portishead, BS20 6LN. Please make cheques  payable to ‘Portishead PCC’.

Planned Giving Envelopes are available for those who prefer to give weekly by cash or cheque. These envelopes can be placed in the Collection at Sunday Services.

What is Gift Aid?

If you are a UK taxpayer, Portishead Church of England can reclaim a further 25% of the value of your gift.

For us to be able to claim tax back on your gifts, you need to print out and complete a paper Gift Aid declaration and send it to the church office.

What happens to the money?

At Portishead Church of England, good stewardship of people’s giving is a high priority.

The PCC regularly monitors the financial position of the church and the financial systems in place, and operate to agreed annual budgets.

If there are other ways in which you would like to give your time and talents in service of the Church and community, do get in touch.


Flowers at St Peter's and St Nicholas' Church

The flowers in the church help to show visitors that we care for our church and for each other. A splash of greenery and some seasonal colours help to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We are reaching out to see if anyone might have a little bit of time to help with the flower rota; this might just be at festivals such as Christmas or maybe just for one week a year to care for the flowers in the church.

We would be so grateful if you could spare any time


If you’re interested or have any questions, contact the church office .

Whether you can commit regularly or just once in a while, every bit of help brings colour into the church community in a very special way!


Please remember to use Easyfundraising when you shop online! Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate, so you can raise FREE donations for us, no matter what you're buying - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday!

These donations really help us out, so please sign up if you haven't yet. It's easy and FREE!

To sign up, please click here.

Every time you shop online, go to Easyfundraising first to find the site you want and then start shopping.

After you've checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Portishead Parish at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

So far we have raised over £1300!

Thank you!

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